The Founders Attorney came to us for a logo re-design. The client had started their practice and, like most attorneys, focused heavily on business structure and client growth but too little on the brand strategy. Once their business was established and they had a good feel for their target clients, they were ready to move forward on re-branding the business.
For The Founders Attorney logo design we worked with them to narrow down their target market to encompass tech entrepreneurs and start ups. We then proposed a few different directions for the logo design. The one that really resonated with the client was a mountain concept.
Mountains are often used as analogies in business and entrepreneurship. Building a business and much like climbing a mountain. It’s a series of peaks and valleys–your highest highs and your lowest lows. We also thought the mountain was symbolic of a base, as a business attorney really lays a solid base or foundation for your business.
For the color pallet on this project we wanted to be fun and modern but still professional. Blue is trustworthy, confident, stable, and strong, all qualities you would want to see in your attorney. We then used a mustard yellow for a subtle pop. This color will be utilized mostly in their web design.